About Us

Founded in 2023 in La Rochelle by Passion Aytré, our store is dedicated to offering surfers a superior waxing experience. We understand the importance of using the right wax to achieve optimal performance on the waves. That's why we have carefully researched and developed our wax to provide excellent spreadability, stickiness, and lasting performance.

Who are we ?

Passion Aytré, born in the coastal town of La Rochelle, is the brainchild of two engineering students deeply connected to the ocean, Théophile Arnaud and Somao Deunier.

Our journey began in Aytré, where a chance meeting blossomed into a profound friendship bonded by a shared love for surfing. With over 200 surf sessions under our belts, the energy, vibes, and values cultivated during these experiences ignited a shared dream : share the stoke of the surf culture with everyone.

Welcome to the heart of Passion Aytré, where the ocean's spirit meets innovation and a genuine passion for spreading joy.



What do we do ?

Passion Aytré is not just about catching and riding waves or spreading positive vibes ; it's about making a positive impact.

As avid surfers and nature enthusiasts, we couldn't turn a blind eye to the environmental challenges within the surfing industry. Recognizing the harm it inflicts on our planet, we decided to ride a different wave. Harnessing our engineering expertise, we are dedicated to offering clean, innovative solutions to address the industry's ecological footprint.

Let us introduce you to our very first creation : Passion Aytré's eco-friendly surf wax "STAY STICKY".

Our wax is made from natural and sustainable ingredients, most of which come from regional suppliers. Our "STAY STICKY" wax offers superior grip while preserving the marine ecosystems we cherish. We remain on a journey of continuous improvement as our goal is to manufacture all our products in collaboration with local partners to favor short supply chains, reducing our environmental impact.

Join us in this incredible adventure! Together, we can inspire change and make a positive difference for our dear planet.


Why we do what we do ?

Traditional surf wax often contains petroleum-based ingredients and synthetic chemicals that, when applied to surfboards, can leach into the ocean. These substances contribute to water pollution, posing a threat to marine life and disrupting fragile ecosystems. Additionally, the production and disposal of conventional surf wax contribute to environmental degradation.

Recognizing these issues, Passion Aytré is committed to breaking away from harmful industry practices. Our natural surf wax is crafted using locally sourced beeswax, a natural byproduct of honey bees. Bees produce this wax as an integral part of their hive ecosystem, utilizing it for honey storage and structural construction. When bees no longer require a particular portion of beeswax, they instinctively remove and discard it. This essential process allows bees to continually rejuvenate their hive, creating space for the generation of new honeycomb. By utilizing beeswax sourced from local suppliers, we not only prioritize the sustainability of our products but also contribute to the natural cycle of bees, supporting their ability to maintain and thrive in their environment.

As surfers ourselves, we know the thrill of catching the perfect wave (and missing a perfect ride because of a foot slip due to poor wax). That's why we are passionate about providing you with the best tools to enhance your surfing experience. Our high-performance surf wax has been tested and proven to deliver superior grip, allowing you to stay on your board and ride the waves with confidence.

Our Goals

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, Passion Aytré is here to support your surfing journey. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality surf wax that meets your performance needs while minimizing your impact on the environment. 

Join us in our mission to surf responsibly and experience the exhilaration of riding the waves with our eco-friendly, high-performance surf wax.